Thursday, July 21, 2011

yo mama....

a new strip for everybody drawn in pen and ink toned and lettered in manga studio. warming up to work on a book w a friend of mine, I'll be trying to post something once a week.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

a few new pieces

Been busy working on kits for customers and my tryouts for DC and Marvel, here's a few pieces i've worked on the last few weeks when i've needed a break.

kit dump

just wanted to post some of the projects i've been working on at the store, mostly for customers (the Hello Kitty custom became a valentines day present for my girlfriend) sorry for the lack of posts my life has been on constant implosion lately.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


sorry i haven't been posting, i've been at the store building kits and working on some freelance projects. one i've been working on is this piece with my nephew as my model. the prints a little dark as the wuality is only abt 50% of what it should be this piece was done in brush and in w/an ink wash for tone then colored in photoshop.